.. _query_manual_evaluation: query_manual_evaluation ======================= .. py:function:: separate_by_line(query) Formats a SQL query string for better readability by adding newlines before keywords. :param query: The input SQL query string. :type query: str :return: The formatted query string. :rtype: str .. py:function:: clean(elmnt) Removes set notation characters from a string. :param elmnt: The input string. :type elmnt: str :return: The cleaned string. :rtype: str .. py:function:: evaluate_queries_in_workbook(init_file_open_dir=None, init_filename=None) Opens a GUI window to evaluate SQL queries stored in an Excel workbook. :param init_file_open_dir: Initial directory to open the workbook from. Defaults to None. :type init_file_open_dir: str, optional :param init_filename: Initial filename of the workbook to open. Defaults to None. :type init_filename: str, optional :return: The annotated workbook as a pandas DataFrame. :rtype: pd.DataFrame .. py:class:: DfVariable(tk.Variable) A Tkinter variable subclass to store and manage pandas DataFrames. :param value: The initial DataFrame value. Defaults to None. :type value: pd.DataFrame, optional .. py:method:: get() Returns the stored DataFrame. :return: The DataFrame. :rtype: pd.DataFrame .. py:method:: set(value) Sets the DataFrame value. :param value: The new DataFrame. :type value: pd.DataFrame .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: